You want to buy 2 adult cinema tickets for a film.  Start the conversation. ( 8 p), Give your phone number and e-mail address to your client. (8 p) , Imagine a foreign acquaintance asks you to talk about your regular working day. (8 p), Imagine you're talking to a foreign colleague. Talk about your job in 10 sentences. (10 p), Imagine you'are talking to a foreign friend. Show a photo of your family. (8 p), Imagine you're talking to an English speaking friend and ask 5 questions about her free time. ( 5 p)., Imagine you're talking to an English speaking client. Ask her about her daily routine. (5 p), Imagine you have to describe your office. Use adverbs of places, like behing, in front of. (5 p), Imagine you're talking to a client. Describe Kecskemét with the eye of a tourist.  (8 p), You're at the market. You want to buy some rice and 5 apples. (6 p), Imagine you're talking to a foreign client. Introduce a famous dish of your country. (5 p), Imagine you're talking to a foreign client in the bufet. Talk about your eating habits. (5 p), Explain how to get to your company from the railway station of Kecskemét.  (5 p).

Situations (Brigi)






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