1) 1st a) The first b) The fifth c) The third d) The second 2) 2nd a) The sixth b) The second c) The twenty second d) The twelfth 3) 3rd a) The thirteenth b) The thirtieth c) The first d) The third 4) 20th a) The Thirteenth b) The twentieth c) The twelfth d) The twenty-first 5) 13th a) The fifth b) The third c) The thirteenth d) The thirtieth 6) 15th a) The fifth b) The fifteenth c) The twenty-fifth d) The thirteenth 7) 20th a) The twentieth b) The twenty-fifth c) The thirtieth d) The third 8) 21st a) The first b) The twentieth c) The thirtieth d) The twenty-first 9) 22nd a) Twenty b) The second c) The twentieth d) The twenty-second 10) 23rd a) The twenty-third b) The Third c) The twenty-fifth d) The twentieth 11) 25th a) The fifth b) The twenty-third c) The twentieth d) The twenty-fifth 12) 13th a) The thirteenth b) The thirty-first c) The thirtieth d) The third 13) 21st a) The thirty-first b) The thirtieth c) The third d) The first

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