1) What is the closest language to Finnish? a) Estonian b) Swedish c) Russian d) Sami e) German f) Hungarian 2) Where do the Finno-Ugric languages originally come from?  a) Turkey b) Ural Mountains in Russia c) Baltic states d) Sweden and Norway e) Japan f) Western Europe 3) Who is "the father of the written Finnish"? a) Sauli Niinistö b) Aleksis Kivi c) Elias Lönnrot d) Mikael Agricola e) Daniel Juslenius f) Henrik Gabriel Porthan 4) What are the most important consonants in the consonant gradation?  a) L, n, m b) P, r, s c) L, t, s d) B, g, q e) K, p, t f) K, n, f 5) When did the Finnish language begin to develop as a distinct language? a) 15 years ago b) During the early Proto-Finnic language period c) During the Proto-Finnic language period d) 100 years ago e) in the 1990s f) During the Old Finnish period, around 500 AD 6) What significant work did Elias Lönnrot contribute to Finnish language and culture? a) He wrote the book Seitsemän veljestä b) He was a brillian Finnish teacher. c) He was a good Finnish speaker. d) He invented the dialects of Finnish. e) Elias Lönnrot made the national epic, the Kalevala. f) He invented the spoken language, puhekieli. 7) What happened to the status of the Finnish language in 1863? a) It got equal rights with the Swedish language.  b) Nothing happened. c) Swedish was more important than Finnish. d) It was threatened by the Russian language. e) Estonians wanted to call it Estonian, not Finnish. f) Finnish could only be spoken secretly. 8) What are the two official languages of Finland today? a) Finnish and Russian. b) Finnish and English. c) Finnish and Swedish. d) Finnish and Estonian. e) Finnish and Hungarian. f) Finnish and German. 9) How many cases are there in Finnish? a) 10 b) 7 c) 20 d) 25 e) 15 f) 30 10) Finnish has something that Estonian doesn't have. What would it be? a) Long words. b) Adjectives. c) Tenses. d) Possessive suffixes. e) Verb conjugation. f) Question words.





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