1) Where in the periodic table do you find the metals? a) Right Side of the PT b) Left Side of the Periodic Table c) The staircase of the Periodic Table d) All of the PT 2) What is the trend in the boiling points of Group 1 elements? a) As you go down the BP decreases b) As you go across the BP decreases c) As you go up the BP increases d) As you go diagonal the BP increases e) As you go down the BP increases f) As you go up the BP decreases 3) What prediction can you make about the BP of rubidium? a) Has a BP that is exactly 777 b) Has a BP greater than 1360 c) Has a BP between 900 and 777 d) Has a BP between 1360 and 900 e) has a BP less than 777 4) How many more electrons than lithium does sodium have? a) 3 b) 11 c) 19 d) 8 e) 2 f) they have the same electrons 5) What happens to the size of your atoms as you go down the group? a) size decreases b) size increases c) size stays the same d) size increases then decreases e) size cannot be known 6) What similarity is there in the structure of alkali metals? a) they all have the same energy levels (rings) b) they all have the same number of neutrons as protons c) they all have one valence electron d) they all have the same number of electrons 7) Why are the alkali metals called Group 1 elements? a) They all have the 1st reactivity in the metals b) They all were discovered first among the metals c) They all would react first in the metals d) They all have one electron in their outer shell 8) What are the trends for the alkali metals as you move down the group a) They get more reactive and violent b) They get more calm and serene c) The atoms get bigger d) The atoms get smaller 9) Are the halogens metals or nonmetals? a) metals b) metalloids c) nonmetals d) they are none 10) What is the trend in melting points in Group 7? a) increases b) decreases c) stays the same d) no pattern 11) What is the trend in color as you go down the group? a) more yellow b) no pattern c) lighter d) darker 12) What is the trend in boiling points in Group 7? a) increases b) decreases c) stays the same d) no pattern 13) What would you predict about the boilng point and melting point of Iodine (the next element in group 7)? a) The melting point of iodine would be lower than −220 °C and boiling point lowe than -118 °C. b) The melting point of iodine would be between than −7 °C and -101 and boiling point between 59 and -34°C. c) The melting point of iodine would be higher than −7 °C and boiling point higher than 59 °C. d) The melting point of iodine would be between than −220 °C and -101 and boiling point between -188 and -34 and -34°C. 14) Would you expect Iodine to be more or less reactive than bromine? a) More b) Less c) Same 15) What is the electronic structure for Bromine? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) 6 f) 7 16) What happens to the size of the atoms as you go down group 17? a) increases b) decreases c) stays the same d) no pattern 17) What similarity is there in the structure of group 7 elements? a) all are poisonous gases b) all have 7 valence electrons c) all have the same number of rings (energy levels) d) all have the same neutrons as protons 18) Suggest why this group is called Group 7 a) 7 rings of the world b) 7 valence electrons c) 7 energy levels d) 7th element in their row 19) What trend in melting points can be seen in group 0? a) increases b) decreases c) no pattern d) stays the same 20) What happens to the size of the atoms as you go down group 0? a) increases b) decreases c) no pattern d) stays the same 21) What similarity in structure for the group 0 atoms? a) all have 8 valence electrons b) all have 0 valence electrons c) all have a full outer shell d) all have 8 energy levels 22) What predictions can you make about the melting point and boiling point of krypton (next element in group 0) a) lower MP/BP than argon b) higher MP/BP than argon c) the same MP/BP as argon d) no pattern, can't predict!

Y9 Concept Check 2.2 - Trends in Groups





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