Would you rather be invisible or able to read minds?, Would you rather always wear wet clothes or never take another shower?, Would you rather eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid?, Would your rather eat a handful of hair or lick three public telephones?, Would you rather be rich and ugly or poor and good looking?, Would you rather be happy for 8 hrs a day and poor or sad for 8 hrs a day and rich?, Would you rather be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?, Would you rather get caught singing in the mirror or spying or your crush?, Would you rather lose all your old memories or never make new ones?, Would you rather be the most popular or smartest person in the school?, Would you rather feel like you always have to sneeze or have everything you touch tickle?, Would you rather eat poison ivy or a handfull of bees?, Would you rather always laugh in inappropriate situates or never laugh again?, Would you rather always lose or never play?, Would you rather be born with an elephant trunk or giraffe neck?, Would you rather have a beautiful house and an ugly car or an ugly house and a beautiful car?, Would you rather be hairy all over or completely bald?, Would you rather have a ketchup dispensing navel or a pencil sharpening nose?, Would you rather say everything on your mind or never speak again?, Would you rather eat a stick of margarine or five spoons of hot sauce? , Would you rather never watch TV again or never use the Internet again?, Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?, Would you rather find true love or 10 million dollars?.

Would You Rather - Mini Arguments






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