Don´t wear shoes ____ are too tight. People ____ don´t smoke live longer. Avoid food ____ contains a lot of sugar. A diet ____ contains a lot of fruit is best. There are some children in my class ____ spend too much time playing PC games. The man ____ lives upstairs goes jogging every day. If you go jogging, you must wear shoes ____ fit properly. Skin cancer can be a problem for people ____ sunbathe a lot. These are the friends ____ came to my party. This is the bus ____ takes me to school. This is the cat ____ scratched me. This is the shop ____ sells nice cakes. This is the man ____ works in our local shop. Beth is the girl ____ is eating an apple. People ____ look after their bodies live longer. Junk food is food ____ isn´t good for you. Places ____ are smoky are bad for you. People ____ start smokig find it hard to stop.





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