Olá, Perry tem uma entrevista de emprego em uma grande empresa do exterior. Você terá que ajudá-lo a responder as questões na entrevista, pois seu inglês é básico. Você aceita ajudá-lo? ____ ____ Suzan (interviewer): Hello, how are you? What's your name? Perry: Hello, I'm fine, my name is Perry. I really need this ____ Suzan : What are your main skills? Perry: I know how to cook, do the housework, I ____ quickly, and I understand a lot about the internet. Suzan : Where did you graduate? Do you have a college degree, a master’s degree, etc.? Perry : I ____ from the Federal Institute Farroupilha Campus Júlio de Castilhos in the technical course in IT and studied Computer Networks Suzan : What motivates you most? Perry : What motivates me is being able to help and ____ my family at home. Suzan: How do you deal with challenges and high-pressure situations at work? Perry: I try to remain calm and clear-thinking when I am going through ____ and high-pressure situations. I usually break the problem down into smaller steps, prioritize tasks and seek help when needed. Suzan: What are your long-term career goals and how does this role fit into your trajectory? Perry: My long-term career goals include growing professionally, ____ new skills and taking on more challenging responsibilities. I believe this position is an ideal opportunity to achieve these goals.

Job Interview





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