1) Cyberbullying is a) Using the internet or technology to hurt or make others feel bad b) pushing people in the school yard c) chatting to others online d) accidently sharing an image of someone, but deleting it if they ask you to 2) Reasons people might cyberbully others include a) They have already been bullied online themselves b) They have been bullied themselves in the school yard c) They are angry or upset at someone and want to make them feel bad d) All of the above 3) Ways people might cyberbully include a) Sharing unflattering images without permission, making unkind comments on social media, threatening others b) Saying hello to them once in a chatroom  c) Sharing their computer with them d) All of the above 4) Cyberbullying can effect victims by a) making them feel loved b) making them feel sad, sick and afraid to go out c) making them think the bully is just being funny d) All of the above 5) Cyberbullying is a responsible thing to do to others as long if you are having fun a) False b) True c) Sometimes 6) Ways we can respond to cyberbullying are a) tease them back b) just ignore it and hope it will stop c) stop, share and shut it down d) push them over at school 7) Who can you speak to if you are ever unsure where to turn? a) Teachers or another adult you b) Your parent/caregiver c) The Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 d) All of the above

Cyberbullying quiz





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