What REMINDS you OF your country?, Does keeping in touch with your family make you more HOMESICK?, Do you like SIGHTSEEING?, Would you like to PARTICIPATE IN some new activities?, What dangers in a foreign country are you AWARE OF?, Are you FASCINATED BY the food in Poland?, Are you sorry that you MISS OUT ON important events in your family?, Do you GET EXCITED when you GET a message from your friends?, Is it easy for you to ADJUST TO new situations?, Is it generally easy to MOVE ABROAD?, Will you MISS OUT ON any important family celebration this year?, Did you CAUSE many problems when you were a child?, Do you like SIGHTSEEING?, What ASPECTS OF CULTURE are interesting for you the most?, What should you KEEP IN MIND when you go to a club?, Have you already explored SURROUNDINGS of your university?, Do you PARTICIPATE IN sports activites?, What do you do when you FEEL HOMESICK?, Is it possible to AVOID CULTURE SHOCK?, Did any problems OCCUR on your 1 day in Poland?, What was your INITIAL reaction when you saw Polish women/ men?, When do you feel FRUSTRATED?, Are you good at GETTING OVER problems? Who helps you ?, How can you MAKE FRIENDS when you LIVE ABROAD?.

Pioneer Unit 1 - part 2






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