1) developed beyond the first stage a) advanced b) rescue (n) c) professional d) take part in 2) the practice or work of farming a) in addition b) challenge (v) c) take part in d) agriculture 3) to judge the number or amount of something a) design b) extreme c) advanced d) calculate 4) something that needs mental or physical effort a) challenge (v) b) delivery c) efficiency d) advanced 5) found in large numbers or happens often a) common b) challenge (v) c) rescue (n) d) develop 6) bringing something to another place a) virtual reality  b) delivery c) extreme d) efficiency 7) to make or draw plans for something a) design b) agriculture c) in addition d) develop 8) grow into something more advanced a) calculate b) develop c) challenge (v) d) purpose 9) good use of time and energy a) survivor b) common c) in addition d) efficiency 10) being far beyond the norm a) design b) rescue (n) c) varying d) extreme 11) also, as well as a) in addition b) design c) calculate d) remote 12) doing something as a paid job a) professional b) survivor c) challenge (v) d) region 13) the reason for which something exists a) purpose b) design c) efficiency d) agriculture 14) a broad geographic area a) region b) virtual reality  c) professional d) take part in 15) far away a) purpose b) calculate c) remote d) professional 16) helping someone out of a dangerous situation a) in addition b) purpose c) calculate d) rescue (n) 17) participate a) take part in b) challenge (v) c) region d) rescue (n) 18) someone who hasn't died a) in addition b) rescue (n) c) efficiency d) survivor 19) not all the same a) survivor b) virtual reality  c) in addition d) varying 20) an artificial environment created by a computer a) extreme b) virtual reality  c) develop d) varying





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