The teacher is writing his book (w swoim gabinecie) ______________ ., The dogs are in the garden (za domem) ______________., The school is situated (na przeciwko kościoła) ______________., There are three bedrooms (na górze) ______________., Look! There’s a cafe (pomiędzy szkołą) ______________ and the cinema., Put the table (na środku kuchni) ______________, please., (Ile pokoi) ____________ are there in your flat?, Her holiday house is ________ (nad morzem)., There are three posters ___________ (na ścianie), There will be ______ (nowe centrum handlowe) in my city., (Czy jest zmywarka) ______ in your kitchen?, Ross lives (na wsi) ____________________ ., (Czy przystanek autobusowy jest) ______ opposite the theatre?, There’s a an old church (po lewej) ____________________ ., There’s an expensive restaurant (w pobliżu) ____________., Your favourite shop is situated (na głównej ulicy), The toilet is (na dole) ____________________ ., Jack lives (w stolicy) ____________________ ., Are there _______ (wiele domów na) the suburbs?, (W sklepie są) ____________ beautiful clothes., Are there ___________ (nowoczesne mieszkania) in your block of flats?, (Jak daleko jest) _______ do twojej szkoły?, My old wooden wardrobe ______( waży około 20 kg)., How long ______ (zajmuje ci dojście) to the underground?, (Ile kosztuje) _________ rent in your neighbourhood?, The station is __________ (można dojść na piechotę do) of my house., Are there _____ (jakieś) blinds in your windows?, In the cupboard there are ______ (kilka talerzy)., (Nie mam żadnych dywaników) __________ in my flat., Have you got ______( jakieś plakaty ) on the walls?.

HOUSE - E8 partial translation






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