1) The children often ... computer games in the evening. a) play b) plays 2) My mum ... books every day.  a) read b) reads 3) She ... in the park every day. a) run b) runs 4) I ... in the swimming pool every morning. a) swim b) swims 5) We ... breakfast at 7 o'clock in the morning. a) eat b) eats 6) Sam ... football on Mondays. a) play b) plays 7) Ann ... bananas. a) like b) likes 8) Dogs ... meat. a) eats b) eat 9) I ... in Jordan a) live b) lives 10) John ... tennis every day. a) play b) plays 11) My cousins .... sport on TV a) watch b) watches 12) She ... her mum every night. a) kiss b) kisses 13) Children ... films about robots. a) likes b) like 14) Nick always ... his homework in the evening. a) do b) does 15) He often ... his parents on Saturdays. a) helps b) help

Present Simple





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