1) David Beckham is the footballer ... adores his family. a) which b) where c) who 2) Football is a sport ... attracts many people in Argentina.  a) which b) who c) where 3) Golf is a sport ... is more expensive than tennis. a) which b) who c) where 4) MMA is a school ... we study English. a) which b) where c) that 5) A sports centre is a place ... people can play different sports. a) where b) that c) which 6) Anfield is the name of the stadium ... Liverpool Football Club play. a) that b) where c) which 7) The coach is the person ... trains the players. a) who b) where c) which 8) The shop next to the stadium is one of the places ... you can buy photographs of the famous players. a) which b) who c) where 9) The competition ... attracts most people is the World Cup. a) where b) who c) that

GW B1 + Sports Relative pronouns





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