靠 - to rely on, to depend on, 宣佈 - to announce, 減輕 - to lighten, to ease, 紙張 - paper, 化學 - chemistry, 手電筒 - flashlight, electric hand torch, 重複 - repeatedly, 電扇 - electric fan, 銅 - copper, 電線 - wire, power line or cord, 毯子 - blanket, 床單 - bed sheet, 棉被 - comforter, quilt, 棉花 - cotton, 繩子 - cord, string, rope, 材料 - material, 帶子 - audio or video tape, 卷 - Classifier for small rolled things, 如 - As, as if, like, 原子筆 - Ballpoint pen, 延長 - To prolog, to extend, 塑膠 - Plastic, synthetic resin, 金屬 - Metal, 廚餘 - Kitchen waste, food waste, 環保署 - Environmental protection administration,

TOCFL B2 Chapter 5.2






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