1) Did you go to the zombie fancy dress party? a) Yes, I go b) No, I wasn't c) Yes, I did d) No I didn't went 2) Are you at home? a) Yes I home b) No, I wasn't c) Yes, I am d) No, you aren't 3) Were they at the park last Sunday? a) No, they weren't b) Yes, they was c) Yes you are d) No, they did cinema 4) Can you skateboard well? a) Yes, I well b) Yes, I can't c) No, I can't d) Yes, I will 5) Where do you have lunch? a) At the school canteen b) In the assembly c) No I don't d) Yes, I was 6) Does he play the piano? a) Yes, he do b) No, he can't c) Yes, he is d) Yes, he does 7) Is you granny a teacher? a) Yes, she does b) No, my aren't c) No, she isn't d) No, she driver 8) What do you do? a) I'm fine b) I'm a chef c) Yes, I do d) No, I do





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