brush teeth 50 P, leave home 100 P, get up 50 P, go to bed 100 P, wake up 150 P, get dressed 150P, 200 P bonus, have breakfast 50 P, wash hands and face 100 P, comb hair 150 P, arrive at school 150 P, have classes 200 P, have lunch 100 P, leave school 250 P, Bankrupt, come back home 200 P, 200 P bonus, have a snack 350 P, do homework 250 P, go online 200 P, have a rest 300 P, hang around with friends 450 P, meet friends 250 P, ride a bike 200 Ps, Bankrupt, leave school 250 P, listen to music 100 P, watch tv 150 P, play board games 300 P, help mom\dad 250 P , run errands 400 P, read books 250 P, have dinner 300 P, play video games 350 P, drink milk 250 P, sleep 250 P, have a shower 350 P.

Daily Routines






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