Recess Should Be Longer: Kids need to have fun, and 10 minutes is not enough time., Teachers need a break just like kids do., Kids are more fidgety in class if they don't get a good recess., Kids will be happier because they will get to have more fun on their own., Teachers will teach better., Kids will behave better in class., You will have happier students. Happy students make happy teachers., Recess Should Not Be Longer: Our school does not have time for a long recess., We need more time for students to learn reading and writing., We do not have any shade in the playground., Recess makes students too excited., Our test scores would get even lower because students are studying less., Parents would get angry with me., If I give you a longer recess, I would have to shorten another part of the day.,

The Recess Problem: Both Sides of the Debate





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