Variables - Factors that can change or be changed in an experiment, leading to differing results., Independent variable - The variable that is deliberately changed or manipulated by the experimenter., Dependent variable - The variable that is measured or observed in response to changes in the independent variable., Controlled variable - Variables that are kept constant to prevent them from influencing the results of an experiment, Relationship - The way in which two or more variables or factors are connected, influence each other, or interact., Parallax Error - A type of observational error that occurs when the position of the observer affects the measurement, leading to inaccuracies in readings., Reliable - Consistently producing the same results when repeated under similar conditions, indicating the trustworthiness of the data collected., Fair test - Experiments conducted in a way that ensures all variables except the one being tested are kept constant, so that any observed effects can be attributed to the tested variable., Zero error - An error that arises when a measuring instrument indicates a value even when there is no quantity being measured., Conclusion - A statement that summarizes the findings of an experiment and explains whether the hypothesis was supported or not based on the results., Evaluation - Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of an experiment, reflecting on the methods used to increase the accuracy of results,





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