1) Hester Frump has two... a) ...sons. b) ...daughters. c) ... children. 2) Pugsley and Wednesday are... a) ...Morticia's children. b) ...Morticia's sons. c) ...Morticia's daughters. 3) Pugsley is... a) Wednesday's brother. b) Gomez and Morticia's son. c) Gomez and Morticia's daughter. 4) Wednesday and Cousin Itt are... a) Pugsley's brothers. b) Cousins. c) Siblings. 5) Gomez is ... a) ...Morticia's wife. b) ...Morticia's husband. c) ...Morticia's son. d) Wednesday's father. 6) Morticia is ... a) ...Gomez's wife. b) ...Gomez's husband. c) ...Gomez's daughter. 7) Fester is... a) ...Gomez's brother. b) ...Wednesday and Pugsley's uncle. c) Grannny Frump's grandson d) Morticia's brother-in-law e) Morticia's brother 8) Wednesday is... a) ...Fester's uncle. b) ...Fester's daughter. c) ...Fester's niece. 9) Pugsley is... a) ...Fester's uncle. b) ...Fester's nieces. c) ...Fester's nephew. 10) Ophelia Frump is ... a) Morticia's sister b) Wednesday's aunt c) Gomez's brother-in-law d) Gomez's sister-in-law 11) Thing is a... a) Hand b) Foot c) Nose d) Eyebrow 12) Lurch is related to... a) Gomez. b) Thing. c) Cousin Itt. d) No One. 13) Eudora Addams is... a) Uncle Fester's mother. b) Uncle Fester's Aunt. c) Wednesday's Grandma.  d) Gomez's mother. 14) Ophelia Frump is... a) Uncle Fester's sister-in-law. b) Thing's wife. c) Pugsley's aunt. 15) How many Addams are there? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 4

The Addams family tree - quiz





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