Budget - The amount of money you plan to spend on your trip., Itinerary - A detailed plan or schedule of the places you will visit during your trip., Route - The path or way you will take to travel from one destination to another., Arrival - The time when you arrive at a particular location., Departure - The time when you leave a particular location., Sightseeing - Visiting and exploring interesting places or attractions in a destination., Travel guide - A book, website, or person that provides information about travel destinations and tips., Accommodation - Where you will stay during your trip, such as a hotel, hostel, or rented apartment., Reservation - Booking in advance for services like flights, hotels, or tours., Trip - A journey or excursion, often involving travel to a specific place or places., Destinations - The locations or places you intend to visit during your journey., Journey - The act of traveling from one place to another, especially over a long distance., Root - The fundamental or underlying cause or origin of something.,

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