The Arabic word for Angels is - المَلائِكَة, Allah made Angels from - Light (Noor)., The 2 angels who protect us are called - " Guardian Angels", Angel Jibraeel  - Leader of all the angels, Angel Israfeel   - Blow the trumpet on the last day of Judgment, Angel Mika`eel   - Controls rain upon orders from Allah's , Angel Izra`eel - Angel of death, Angels do - worship and obey Allah's orders, Angel Ridwan - the Guardian of Paradise (Jannah)., Angel Malik - the Guardian of Hellfirere, Angel of Death - he takes humans` souls at the time of death, Angel Jibreel has _______ wings. - 600, Al-Bayt-ul Ma`mour is the  - house of worship for angels, Every day there are ____ new angels make Hajj to Al-Bayt Al-Ma`mour - Seventy thousands,

Unit.A Chapter. 3 (Angels of Allah)





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