1) What did Nick give Mrs. Granger on Christmas morning? a) The biggest dictionary in the world b) A puppy c) A new bike d) A gold fountain pen 2) What was always the first word on Mrs. Granger's spelling test? a) encyclopedia b) antidisestablishmentarianism c) pen d) dictionary 3) What does the word antonym mean? a) words with opposite meanings b) words with the same meaning c) it means "pen" in Spanish d) it's a crazy, ferocious BUG! 😳 4) What is a dynamic character? a) A super hero b) A character that changes from the beginning to the end of the story c) A villian d) a character that stay the same through the whole story 5) What happened to Nick's trust fund when he became 21? a) OMG!!! Nick is CRAZY RICH!!! $$$$$$$$$ b) His Dad loses it at the casino c) He pays off Mrs. Salis' student loan d) He sends Mrs. Grainger on a cruise 6) What point of view is Frindle written in? a) first person b) Mrs. Manischalchi's c) Mrs. Bruscino's d) third person  e) Mrs. Salis' 7) What was on page 541 of the dictionary? a) nothing, it's a blank page b) FRINDLE!!!!! c) Pencil d) it depends what dictionary you look in 🤓 8) What sign did Westfield put up? a) Home of the original Frindle b) Wrong Way....Go Back c) Home of the Dragons d) GO AWAY 9) What is the next book you will be reading? a) The One and Only Mrs. Bruscino b) The One and Only Mrs. Maniscalchi c) The One and Only Mrs. Salis d) The One and Only Ivan 10) What is your SUPER IMPORTANT assignment for the break? a) 10 page book report on Frindle b) make up your own word and get it in the dictionary c) memorize the whole dictionary 🤓 d) Just kidding!!! There is no work over the break!!!!

Frindle.....the end...Ch. 13-15





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