civilization -  Ancient Greece was a flourishing __________ rich in culture, known for its contributions to art, science, and government., philosophy -  Socrates, a prominent figure in Greek __________, often questioned the essence of knowledge and virtue., innovation - The Greeks were known for their __________ in various fields, including the development of the first known democracy., Democracy - The concept of __________, where power is in the hands of the people, was revolutionary when it emerged in Athens., Nascent - The political system of __________ democracy in Athens allowed citizens to participate directly in the legislative process., Suffrage - In the early stages of Athenian democracy, the right of __________ was limited to free males of Athenian descent., Sanctuary - Olympia served as a __________ for the Greek gods and was the site of the Olympic Games., Pentathlon - The __________ was one of the events at the ancient Olympic Games, showcasing an athlete's versatility in sports., Polis - Each Greek __________, whether Athens, Sparta, or Corinth, had its own government and customs., Camaraderie - The Olympic Games promoted __________ and unity among the competing Greek city-states.,

GR10_Ancient Greece: Cradle of Democracy and the Olympic Spirit 3





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