1) My head hurts. a) I have a fever. b) I have a stomach ache. c) I have a headache. 2) My back hurts. a) I have a backache. b) I have a toothache. c) I have a fever. 3) Her throat hurts. a) She has a toothache. b) She has a cold. c) She has a sore throat. 4) His tooth hurts. a) He has a tooth. b) He has a toothbrush. c) He has a toothache. 5) She can't talk or sing.  a) She has cold hands. b) She has a cough. c) Her knee hurts. 6) Wow! Your temperature is really high. You have a________. a) fever b) broken bone c) runny nose. 7) Pablo can't play soccer and he can´t run. a) His elbow hurts b) His shoulder hurts c) His knee hurts. 8) How do you feel today? a) I feel tired. b) We feel fantastic. c) She feels sad. 9) Look at Marcia. She _______tired. a) look b) looks c) watch

Health Problems





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