1) Elephants are ... zebras a) strong than b) the strongest c) stronger than 2) Vicky is ... girl in my class a) the prettyest b) the prettiest c) prettier than 3) The giraffe is ... animal. a) the taller b) the tallest c) taller than 4) Snakes are ... mice a) the long b) longer than c) longest than 5) Pam is ... singer of all my friends a) the best b) better c) goodest 6) Hippos are ... foxes a) the fattest b) fatest than c) fatter than 7) I want ... apple on the table! a) the biggest b) the biger c) bigger than 8) This is ... toy in the shop. a) the beautifulest b) the more beautiful c) the most beautiful 9) Cats are ... dogs a) lazyer than b) lazier than c) lazyest than 10) I am ... girl in my class a) the most intelligent b) the intelligentest c) the more intelligent than 11) Puno is ....Arequipa a) more colder b) the coldest c) colder than 12) Mount Everest is ......mountain in the world a) the higher b) the highest c) higher than 13) Lake Baikal is one of ......lakes in the world a) deep b) the deepest c) deeper 14) Tokyo is .... Singapore a) expensive b) the most expensive c) more expensive than 15) Dublin is .....Paris a) drier than b) the driest c) more drier

ACPB-B05- Comparatives and superlatives





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