Turbine - large fan that uses mechanical energy to turn the blades, Renewable resource - Has a continuous supply, such as sunlight, water, wind, and biomass., Nonrenewable resource - Resource with a limited supply, such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum. Once it's used up, there is no more., Electricity generation - When any type of energy is transformed into electricity., Fossil Fuels - Fuel made from plant materials and small animals buried in the earth for millions of years., Nuclear energy - When atoms of radioactive elements are split apart to release energy., Biomass energy - When wood, paper, organic material, and garbage are burned to release energy. , Geothermal energy - Heat from the interior of the earth is used to boil water and spin a turbine. , Hydroelectric energy - Moving water spins blades of a turbine. , Solar energy - Light energy from the Sun is converted directly , Tidal Harness - Capturing the kinetic energy of ocean water between high and low tides., Wind energy - Windmills capture wind and spin the blades of turbines to create electrical energy.,

Renewable vs Non-Renewable Energy





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