lasting (friendship, love, etc)  - continuing to exist for a long time or for ever, gain a friend - make a friend, a playdate (a play date) - a social occasion arranged for children to play together., a fully-booked work schedule - a jam-packed timetable at work , earn a title  - achieve a certain title or honor, elusive - difficult to find, achieve, catch, remember, etc , block of a good chunk of time  - reserve a piece of time for a certain task or activity., be around  - To be near, recruit  - to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army, in desperate need of sth /desperately need sth  - a situation when someone needs something very urgently or urgently, track sth  - o follow the movement or progress of something or someone, a freshman  - a first-year student at university., related/unrelated to sth - connected/ not connected to/with sth, (in) proximity  - the state of being near in space or time, where in - n which, or in which part:, equate to sth - to be the same in amount, number, or size, chatty  - readily engaging in informal talk., invest in quality time - dedicate a good chunk of meaningful time , make a leap from sth to sth  - to make a large jump or sudden movement, usually from one place to another:, a pal/a buddy - a friend , a bestie - a best friend , count on smn - rely on smb ,

Making freinds as an adult





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