How old are you? - I'm eleven years old., Where do you live? - I live in Ciudadela., What is your name? - My name is Lionel., What is your surname? - My surname is Messi., Who do you live with? - I live with my mother, my father, my brother and my two cats., Have you got any brothers or sisters? - Yes, I have a brother., Have you got any pets? - Yes, I have two cats., What’s the date today? - Today it's the first of July. (July 1st), What’s the weather like today? - It's cloudy., What time do you get up? - I get up at half past six. (6:30), What do you do after breakfast? - After breakfast, I go to school., What do you do before dinner? - Before dinner, I watch TV., What do you do in your free time? - In my free time, I play football and read books., Do you play any sport or do any physical activity? If so, which one? - Yes, I do. I play tennis., Do you like watching sports on TV? If so, which ones? - Yes, I do. I like watching football. , Why do you think it’s important to do physical activity? - It's important to do physical activity because it helps you to stay healthy., What would you like to do in the future? Why? - I would like to be a chef because I love cooking., What do you usually spend your money on? - I usually spend my money on sweets and going out with my friends., Which job wouldn’t you like to have? Why not? - A firefighter because I'm scared of fire.,

Midterm exam speaking practice - Teens 2






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