1) Would you rather always have to wear socks on your hands or wear a clown nose every day? 2) Would you rather have all your clothes fit perfectly or have the most comfortable pillow, blankets, and bed in the world? 3) Would you rather have skin that changes color based on your mood or tattoos that appear all over your body, depicting what you did yesterday? 4) Would you rather have your hair turn into spaghetti every time you get wet or sweat cheese? 5) Would you rather be able to shrink to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a skyscraper at will? 6) Would you rather be able to transform into any inanimate object once a day or be able to teleport to a random place on Earth once a week? 7) Would you rather have every movie spoiler revealed to you before you watch it or never be able to watch a movie more than once? 8) Would you rather have your thoughts broadcasted on speakers everywhere you go or always hear everyone else’s thoughts? 9) Would you rather only be able to walk on all fours or only be able to walk backwards? 10) Would you rather have to use a public restroom that is always incredibly dirty or one that has a live audience? 11) Would you rather eat a sandwich made from all the contents of your fridge mixed together or drink a smoothie made from all the liquids in your fridge? 12) Would you rather be a reverse mermaid/merman (fish head, human legs) or reverse centaur (horse head, human body)? 13) Would you rather have your body randomly, invisibly teleport 10 feet away every time you sneeze or not be able to tell the difference between a muffin and a baby? 14) Would you rather be able to only move when no one is looking at you or freeze whenever someone looks at you? 15) Would you rather have to use a typewriter for all your writing or only be able to communicate through interpretive dance? 16) Would you rather have to live in a house shaped like a shoe or live in a house that constantly rotates? 17) Would you rather have a permanent clown face paint or have your arms replaced with pool noodles? 18) Would you rather have your voice sound like Darth Vader or Mickey Mouse for the rest of your life? 19) Would you rather have every cat in the world follow you around like you’re their leader or have birds constantly try to land on you? 20) Would you rather sneeze glitter or have your tears be scented like roses?

Weird Would You Rather Questions





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