cost - Past: cost Past Participle: cost ( Costar ), sit - Past: sat Past Participle: sat ( Sentarse ), meet - Past: met Past Participle: met ( Encontrarse / Conocer ), get - Past: got Past Participle: got ( Obtener ), hit - Past: hit Past Participle: hit ( Golpear ), hurt - Past: hurt Past Participle: hurt ( Herir ), put - Past: put Past Participle: put ( Poner ), feel - Past: felt Past Participle: felt ( Sentir ), catch - Past: caught Past Participle: caught ( Coger ), let - Past: let Past Participle: let ( Dejar / Permitir ), shoot - Past: shot Past Participle: shot ( Disparar ), hear - Past: heard Past Participle: heard ( Oir ), buy - Past: bought Past Participle: bought ( Comprar ), shut - Past: shut Past Participle: shut ( Cerrar ), fight - Past: fought Past Participle: fought ( Pelear ), think - Past: thought Past Participle: thought ( Pensar ), light - Past: lit Past Participle: lit ( Encender ), leave - Past: left Past Participle: left ( Dejar ), teach - Past: taught Past Participle: taught ( Enseñar ), spend - Past: spent Past Participle: spent ( Gastar ), bring - Past: brought Past Participle: brought ( Traer / Llevar ), sell - Past: sold Past Participle: sold ( Vender ), show - Past: showed Past Participle: shown ( Mostrar ), pay - Past: paid Past Participle: paid ( Pagar ) , make - Past: made Past Participle: made ( Hacer ), keep - Past: kept Past Participle: kept ( Mantener ), stand - Past: stood Past Participle: stood ( De pie / Pararse ) , understand - Past: understood Past Participle: understood ( Entender ), lend - Past: lent Past Participle: lent ( Prestar ), have - Past: had Past Participle: had ( Haber / Tener ), lose - Past: lost Past Participle: lost ( Perder ), hold - Past: held Past Participle: held ( Mantener ), tell - Past: told Past Participle: told ( Decir ), ride - Past: rode Past Participle: ridden ( Montar ), build - Past: built Past Participle: built ( Construir ), write - Past: wrote Past Participle: written ( Escribir ), break - Past: broke Past Participle: broken ( Romper ), say - Past: said Past Participle: said ( Decir ), find - Past: found Past Participle: found ( Encontrar ), send - Past: sent Past Participle: sent ( Enviar ), drive - Past: drove Past Participle: driven ( Conducir ), choose - Past: chose Past Participle: chosen ( Elegir ), read - Past: read Past Participle: read ( Leer ), rise - Past: rose Past Participle: risen ( Elevar / Levantar ), blow - Past: blew Past Participle: blown ( Soplar ), bet - Past: bet Past Participle: bet ( Apostar ), hide - Past: hid Past Participle: hidden ( Esconder / Ocultar ), speak - Past: spoke Past Participle: spoken ( Hablar ), wake - Past: woke Past Participle: woken ( Despertarse ), grow - Past: grew Past Participle: grown ( Crecer ), sleep - Past: slept Past Participle: slept ( Dormir ), bit - Past: bit Past Participle: bitten ( Morder ), know - Past: knew Past Participle: known ( Saber / Conocer ), fly - Past: flew Past Participle: flown ( Volar ), draw - Past: drew Past Participle: drawn ( Dibujar ), wear - Past: wore Past Participle: worn ( Llevar puesto ), tear - Past: tore Past Participle: torn ( Rasgar ), begin - Past: began Past Participle: begun ( Empezar ), drink - Past: drank Past Participle: drunk ( Beber ), swim - Past: swam Past Participle: swum ( Nadar ), ring - Past: rang Past Participle: rung ( Llamar ), sing - Past: sang Past Participle: sung ( Cantar ), eat - Past: ate Past Participle: eaten ( Comer ), fall - Past: fell Past Participle: fallen ( Caer ), forget - Past: forgot Past Participle: forgotten ( Olvidar ), give - Past: gave Past Participle: given ( Dar ), see - Past: saw Past Participle: seen ( Ver ), take - Past: took Past Participle: taken ( Coger ), go - Past: went Past Participle: gone ( Ir ), come - Past: came Past Participle: come ( Venir ), forbid - Past: forbade Past Participle: forbidden ( Prohibir ), breed - Past: bred Past Participle: bred ( Criar ), cast - Past: cast Past Participle: cast ( Arrojar ), bend - Past: bent Past Participle: bent ( Doblar ), freeze - Past: froze Past Participle: frozen ( Helar / Congelar ), flee - Past: fled Past Participle: fled ( Huir ), become - Past: became Past Participle: become ( Convertirse ), mistake - Past: mistook Past Participle: mistaken ( Equivocar ), dream - Past: dreamt / dreamed Past Participle: dreamt / dreamed ( Soñar ), feed - Past: fed Past Participle: fed ( Alimentar ), hang - Past: hung Past Participle: hung ( Colgar ), cut - Past: cost Past Participle: cost ( Cortar ), kneel - Past: knelt Past Participle: knelt ( Arrodillarse ), burn - Past: burnt/burned Past Participle: burnt/burned ( Quemar ), dig - Past: dug Past Participle: dug ( Cavar ), bleed - Past: bled Past Participle: bled ( Sangrar ), learn - Past: learnt / learned Past Participle: learnt / learned ( Aprender ), do (does) - Past: did Past Participle: done ( Hacer ), overcome - Past: overcame Past Participle: overcome ( Vencer ), run - Past: ran Past Participle: run ( Correr ), seek - Past: sought Past Participle: sought ( Buscar ), speed - Past: sped Past Participle: sped ( Acelerar / Velocidad ), shine - Past: shone Past Participle: shone ( Brillar ), sew - Past: sewed Past Participle: sewed / sewn ( Coser ), weep - Past: wept Past Participle: wept ( Llorar ), smell - Past: smelt Past Participle: smelt ( Oler ), spell - Past: spelt Past Participle: spelt ( Deletrear ), spring - Past: sprang Past Participle: sprung ( Saltar ), steal - Past: stole Past Participle: stolen ( Robar ), spread - Past: spread Past Participle: spread ( Extender ),
Verbs in Past Simple and Past Participle
Grado 1
Grado 2
Grado 3
Grado 11
Educación vocacional
Educación superior
past participe
Past Simple
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