additives - Substances that are added to foods but are not normally consumed by themselves as foods, dairy products - Products made from milk, health food - Food that you eat because it is good for you, home-made - Made at home and not bought from a shop, ingredients - All the foods and spices that you use to make a certain kind of food., junk food - Food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat, ready-made - Ready for you to use immediately- ready to cook, sugar - A very sweet food that is in cakes, chocolate and sweets, energy - The power that your body gets from food, a calorie - An amount of energy(nutritional value of food), a snack - A small amount of food eaten between meals, sweet - If food is this, it tastes of sugar, salty - If food is this, it tastes of salt, a diet - The food that you eat most often(e.g. lions eat meat)vitamins, vitamins - Things in food that we need to grow and be healthy, a source - The place where you get something (energy, information, etc.) from, to get up - To step out of bed, to get on with - To have a good relationship with someone, to get on - To enter or board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.), to get off - To leave a bus/train/etc, to get around to - To find time to do something after waiting a long time, to get stuck - To be trapped in a place or asituation and not able to get out, to get back - To return from a place where you started, to get rid of - To throw away give away or sell something that you no longer want or need,

FF5 Unit 8 - vocabulary - definitions





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