姓名 - xìng míng - full name, 打招呼 - dǎ zhāo hu - say hello, greet, 外表 - wàibiǎo - outward appearance, exterior, 开心果 - kāi xīn guo - pistachio nuts, an amusing companion, 能干 - néng gàn - capable; competent, 帮手 - bāng shǒu - helper, 爱好 - ài hào - hobby, 长处 - cháng chu - strength, 相同 - xiāng tóng - identical; the same, 年龄 - nián líng - age, 陈 - Chén - a surname; old, 姓 - xìng - (one's) surname, 名 - míng - name, 胖 - pàng - fat, 瘦 - shòu - thin, 李 - Lǐ - Surname; plum, 矮 - ǎi - short (height), 阿姨 - ā yi-Aunt, 有趣 - yǒu qù - interesting, 懂事 - dǒng shì - intelligent, sensible, 聪明 - cōng míng - intelligent / clever, 叔叔 - shū shu - father's younger brother[ uncle, 意思 - yì si - meaning, 卷 - juǎn-curly, roll, 强壮 - qiáng zhuàng- strong, 祝福 - zhùfú - blessing, 福气 - fú qi - good luck, good fortune, 属猪 - shǔ zhū - be born in the year of pig, 问题 - wèn tí - question, 题目 - tí mù - topic (for talks, articles, etc.),

3A-Lesson 2 我的朋友和家人





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