Carbohydrates - rice, wheat, potato, Body building food - pulses, milk, egg, microbes - bacteria, virus, fungus, stem vegetable - sugarcane, banana stem, non green plants - mushroom, mould, root vegetable - carrot, beetroot, union territories - Len, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi, food from plants - tea, oil, spices, seven sisters state - Nagaland , Assam, Largest state - Rajasthan, Smallest state - Goa, southernmost tip of mainland - Kanniyakumari, Southernmost tip of Country - Indira point, Waterbodies surround India - Indian ocean, Arabian sea, Bay of Bengal, Neighbouring countries of India - China, Nepal, yellow leaf - does not contain chlorophyll, incisors - cutting teeth, canines - tearing teeth, premolar - crushing/cracking teeth, molar - grinding teeth, plants - needs food to grow, to store, humans need food - to get energy, vanamahotsava - promotes  planting of trees, white portion of an egg - albumen, young one of house fly - maggot, yellow portion of an egg - yolk, we should wash our hands - germs and dirt will enter into our body, enamel - hardest substance and outer cover of the teeth, roughage - fiber food helps in digestion, balanced diet - all nutrients in food, minerals - calcium, sodium, germs - disease causing microbes, preservation of food - drying, canning, pickling, stomach - hollow muscular bag, vitamins and minerals - fruits and vegetables, tadpole - young one of frog, Young one of butterfly - caterpillar, moulting - shedding of old skin, embryo - growing baby inside the egg, chlorophyll - green pigment present in the leaf,







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