1) Working out for more than 30 minutes is always better for good health. a) Fact b) Bluff 2) At some point, you are too old to exercise. a) Fact b) Bluff 3) If you’re not sweating, you’re not working. a) Fact b) Bluff 4) Lifting weights will automatically make you bulky. a) Fact b) Bluff 5) Regular aerobic exercise boosts your metabolism. a) Fact b) Bluff 6) Crunches alone get rid of belly fat. a) Fact b) Bluff 7) Running on a treadmill is safer than outdoors. a) Fact b) Bluff 8) No pain, no gain a) Fact b) Bluff 9) I should always follow my favorite fitness influence. a) Fact b) Bluff 10) For weight loss, eating 200g of chocolate is the same as eating 200g of banana. a) Fact b) Bluff

FACT OR BLUFF, fitness edition





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