Compass - digital device that shows direction., Tent - You sleep in a ____ when you go camping., sleeping bag - it keeps you warm while you sleep outdoors., Stove - We use a ____ to cook food., Lighter - You can start fire with this., First-Aid Kit - You must have this if an accident happens., Cooking Equipment - You need ____ for making a meal., Map - it helps you find your way home., torch - You use a ____ at night to see in the dark, money belt - it keeps your values safe while traveling., suitcase - it is used to carry your clothes when you travel., Travel guide - book that helps you plan a trip, umbrella - You use an ____ to stay dry in the rain., walking boots - You wear ____ when hiking, waterproof clothers - You wear ____ when it is raining to stay dry., sun hat - it protects you from the sun., binoculars - it helps you to see closer., souvenirs - you buy these for your friends and family when you travel., digital camera - you use it when you want to take ______ of important moments., sunglasses - You wear them to protect your eyes from the sun.,






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