1) SEL impacts academic learning by how much according to test scores. a) Not at all b) 11% increase across subject areas c) 1-3% only in math d) 1-3 % only in reading 2) SEL DOES NOT impact the following knowledge, skills and attitudes to develop healthy identities and . . .  a) manage emotions b) manipulate others to get what you want c) achieve personal & collective goals d) feel and show empathy for others e) establish and maintain caring relationships 3) When SEL is implemented consistently, staff learn to: a) focus on academics only b) reveal & nurture the interests and assets of all individuals c) focus exclusively on student challenges d) use punishment only to manage behavior 4) What are the benefits of SEL in adulthood? a) Employers seek individuals with SEL traits: problem-solving, teamwork b) Great hair c) Cool car d) Lots of Facebook friends 5) Impacts of SEL incorporated throughout instruction DOES NOT include: a) Better behavior & less referrals b) Improved communication skills c) Widespread bullying d) Improved leadership skills in students





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