When you were a child, did you use/used to visit Crete every summer?, At 10 o`clock yesterday evening, we watched/were watching a documentary., When I was ten, I would read / was reading about the ancient Egyptians for hours. , Did you see / use to see any ancient artefacts at the museum yesterday?, The archeologists were excited because they had been looking/were looking for the ancient ruins for years., I didn`t visit / hadn`t visited Greece until I went there on a school trip last summer., Ivan was taking /took photos of the temple while Daniel was reading the museum`s leaflet., By the time we arrive/arrived at the museum, the archeologists had finished the lecture., How long had Sam been working/ had Sam worked at the museum when they made him head of the Egypt collection, They had built/had been building the walls before added the roof of the house., Jane had forgotten/had forgot her glasses and she couldn`t read the map., Gardeners had been planting/had planted the flowers before summer arrived..





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