1) If the subject is singular, the verb must be _________________________. a) singular b) plural 2) The dog _____________ at strangers. a) bark b) barks 3) If the subject is plural, the verb must be _____________________. a) singular b) plural 4) The dogs _____________ at strangers. a) bark b) barks 5) Ted and Mary _________ going to the movies. a) is b) are c) has d) have 6) Beth or Amy _________________ to cook today. a) needs b) need 7) Neither Bob nor George _______________ leaving now. a) is b) are c) has d) have 8) Either my mother or my father _________________ coming to the meeting. a) has b) are c) is d) have 9) When two singular nouns connected by or (or) nor, use __________________ verb. a) singular b) plural 10) The words and phrases "each," "each one," "everyone," "everybody," "anyone," "anybody," "nobody," "somebody," "someone," and "no one" are singular and require a _______________________ verb. a) singular b) plural 11) Everybody _____________ asked to remain quiet. a) were b) was 12) Each of the participants _____________ a certificate. a) get b) gets 13) Nobody in the class _______________ the answer. a) has b) have 14) The committee _________________ every week. a) meet b) meets 15) The news ______________ surprising. a) is b) are 16) The army __________________ conducting a parade. a) is b) are 17) _______________ the headphones in this drawer? a) is b) are 18) Gymnastics ______________ easy for me. a) is b) are 19) Five dollars __________________ too much to ask. a) is b) are 20) Education ___________________ the key to success. a) is b) are

Subject verb agreement





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