1) bisiklete binmek a) tic tac toc b) ride a horse c) ride a bike d) blind man`s buff 2) basketbol oynamak a) blind man`s buff b) origami c) table tennis d) play the basketball 3) futbol oynamak a) play the football b) dodgeball c) sunday d) tag 4) saklanbaç oyunu a) sculpting b) hide and seek c) chess d) collecting stamps 5) seksek oyunu a) hopscotch b) tuesday c) collecting stamps d) ride a bike 6) yakantop oyunu a) checkers b) chess c) ice skating d) dodgeball 7) balık tutma a) checkers b) table tennis c) fishing d) tuesday 8) ip atlamak a) sunday b) taking photos c) skip rope d) play the football 9) dama a) saturday b) ice skating c) checkers d) skip rope 10) satranç a) chess b) ride a horse c) table tennis d) monday 11) fotoğraf çekmek a) taking photos b) tuesday c) collecting stamps d) leapfrog 12) kulaktan kulağa oyunu a) swimming b) chinese whispers c) checkers d) fishing 13) hızlı a) leapfrog b) collecting stamps c) ride a horse d) fast 14) kağıt katlama sanatı a) blind man`s buff b) leapfrog c) dodgeball d) origami 15) buz pateni a) hiking b) hide and seek c) ice skating d) play the football 16) körebe oyunu a) sunday b) blind man`s buff c) tag d) play the basketball 17) doğa yürüyüşü a) hiking b) chess c) fast d) checkers 18) pul koleksiyonu a) collecting stamps b) monday c) saturday d) chinese whispers 19) bilgisiyar oyunu oynamak a) monday b) play computer games c) hiking d) dodgeball 20) masa tenisi a) saturday b) play computer games c) fishing d) table tennis 21) pazar a) tuesday b) origami c) sunday d) swimming 22) ata binmek a) play computer games b) dodgeball c) checkers d) ride a horse 23) pazartesi a) monday b) chess c) dodgeball d) chinese whispers 24) heykel yapmak a) monday b) saturday c) sculpting d) blind man`s buff 25) salı a) sculpting b) tuesday c) chess d) dodgeball 26) elim sende oyunu a) play the basketball b) monday c) tag d) origami 27) üç taş oyunu a) table tennis b) tic tac toc c) tag d) sculpting 28) birdirbir oyunu a) taking photos b) play the basketball c) leapfrog d) hiking 29) yüzmek a) ice skating b) ride a bike c) swimming d) fast 30) cumartesi a) swimming b) saturday c) tag d) checkers

games and hobbies 2





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