1) Travelling by plane is ........ than travelling by car. (fast) a) more fast b) fastest c) faster 2) China is ............... country in the world.(big) a) the biggest b) bigger c) the bigest 3) In the USA baseball is ...... than soccer. (popular) a) more popular b) the most popular c) very popular 4) My result in the Maths test was....... than yours. (good) a) gooder b) the best c) better 5) This exercises is .......... I've ever done! (easy) a) the easyest b) the most easy c) the easiest 6) Yesterday was .......... day of my life! I lost my dog and I haven't found him yet. (bad) a) baddest b) the worst c) most bad 7) My sister is ......... me. We both are 1.50 m tall.(tall) a) as tall as b) more tall c) taller than 8) I find reading the book ........ than watching the film. (boring) a) more boring b) boringer c) as boring as 9) Steve is ............ boy I've ever known! a) funnier b) the most funny c) the funniest 10) Emily has .......... money than Anna. ( much) a) more b) the most c) mucher

Comparison of adjectives





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