match up - French words (colours, numbers, scentences) you name it! All you have to do is match up the numbers(for example) to the words that are spelt in French., Match up your French words given on screen. - It is a game where it can start of really easy and then suddenly turn really tricky. This game helps you with your French vocabulary and spelling. But just remember, the more you play the difficult it gets. It really pushes you to your limits and tests you whether you should be learning some of the words a bit more or whether you are amazing and have tried really hard and don't need anymore teaching., Once you are on a particular hard level, you will receive a thumbs up from the game. - Once you have completed the game, you will receive a sticker from the last question telling you that you have completed the game. , If you have done a poor job and not got a very good score, then you will receive a sticker saying the word "NO" on your page. - But if you receive the word yes on your page then you have done a fantastic job and you have had success., At the end of the game your results will pop up on your screen with your results. That is when you know if you have done a good job or not. - I hope you will enjoy!,





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