Roman ____ organise ____ to take the sick and dying to ____ to experience the ____ powers.In 1844 the Virgin ____ appeared to a young girl. There have been healings that cannot be ____. These are considered ____. Many people do not experience healing but say they feel ____ healed. People visit to sample and take the healing ____ home. There are shops there now to sell products and memorabilia. ____ was the home of St. ____, whose missionary work in the 6th century brought Christianity to ____.It is now home to the Iona community and dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The people in the Iona community agree to live a life that is reflected in the ____. It is very ____ and non-commercial. Many ____ visit the community’s two information centres. Pilgrims go on organised ____ around the island. They hold discussions on issues relating to justice, peace, the environment etc. It is a place of ____.

Christian Practices- Pilgrimage





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