I ____ up every morning at 7 a.m. I go to the bathroom and ____ a hot shower at 7.10. At 7.30 I ____ breakfast with my family. We usually eat cereal and milk, but sometimes we have pancakes. After breakfast, I ____ my teeth and go to school. I meet my friends outside the house and we walk to school together. At noon, I ____ lunch at the school cafeteria. Food there is not very tasty, but it is hot. I ____ back home when I finish classes, at 3 p.m. I always ____ my homework before dinner. When I have some free time, I like to ____ video games or ____ online with my friends. I usually ____ to bed at 9.30. I ____ a story to make sure I have a good night sleep.

Routines - 5th grade





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