Abrasion - The wearing away of the earth's surface by rock fragments transported by glaciers, water and wind., Acid rain - Polluted rain containing dissolved sulphur or nitrogen oxides., Air mass - Body of air with a similar temperature and relative humidity throughout., Alluvium - Deposits from a river made up of fine sand and salt, Altitude - Height above sea level, Anemometer - Weather instrument used to measure wind speed., Anticyclone - Area of high atmospheric pressure (high pressure), Arable land - Land used for growing crops, Arête - Narrow ridge between two cirques, Aspect - Direction in which a place faces in relation to the sun., Atmosphere - The layer of gases surrounding the earth, Avalanche - The rapid movement of snow down a gradient, Backwash - The outward movement of seawater from the shore, Barometer - Instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, Basalt - Igneous rock formed when lava cooled and solidified.,

Geography revision Part 1






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