1) I … in class 1"Я". 2) Peter and I … friends. 3) We … (not) British. 4) My grandparents …(not) from London. 5) My sister … (not) a teacher. 6) Luke and Mike … my brothers. 7) Ted … thirteen . 8) My balloons … (not) yellow. 9) You … my best friend. 10) It … (not) Thursday today. 11) She … my grandma. 12) Mr Black … my English teacher. 13) Their friends … funny. 14) My cats … Tilly and Lilly. 15) His mum and dad … doctors. 16) This book … great! 17) My brothers … tall. 18) Our mum … beautiful. 19) Her little sister … three. 20) They … from England. 21) It … an umbrella. 22) Your dogs ... (not) hungry.

am, is, are (+ 'not')





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