Adam - First man on earth, Eve - Created out of a man's rib, Cain - Gave God an offering with a hard heart & killed his brother, Seth - Third son of Adam & Eve, Noah - God told to build an ark to save his family and creatures of the earth, Enoch - Did not die. Was taken to heaven, Ham - Cursed because he did not honor his father, Abram - Called by God to leave home and given a promise that he would be the father of nations, Sarai - Gave birth to Isaac when she was very old, Lot - Nephew of Abram, Hagar - Maidservant of Sarai and mother of Ishmael, Melchizedek - Mysterious priest and king of Salem, Ishmael - First son of Abram, Rebekah - Wife of Isaac, Esau - First born twin, Laban - Brother of Rebekah and father of Leah & Rachel, Jacob - Younger twin who got the blessing, Rachel - The woman Jacob worked 7 years to marry & then 7 more, Ruben - First born of Jacob, Judah - Left his brothers and went to live among the Canaanites, Joseph - First born of Rachel and favorite son, Dinah - Sister of the 12 sons of Jacob,





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