1) Which of the following is not a goal of communication? a) Enhanced professionalism b) Less personal stress c) More complaints d) Increased officer safety 2) Communication is both intentional and unintentional. a) true b) false 3) What percentage of the suspect’s behavior changes when the message is sent through body language? a) 7-10% b) 33-40% c) 93% d) 50-60% 4) When the voice and role conflict, people will more often believe the ____________? a) voice b) role c) body language d) content 5) What accounts for 80-90% of all police complaints? a) Delivery b) Pitch c) Attitude d) Tone 6) Transferring information into a form in which it can be communicated is called what? a) Decoding b) Frame of Reference c) Encoding d) Code 7) A person’s frame of reference can be made up of which of the following? a) Education b) Sex c) Where they grew up d) all of the above 8) Which is not one of the three types of code used? a) Symbols b) Language c) Paralanguage d) Nonverbal 9) Facial expressions, eye contact, and gestures fall under which of the three types of code? a) Paralanguage b) Nonverbal c) Language d) Symbols 10) Under kinetic communication, what percentage does body language make up of human communication? a) 7% b) 12% c) 65% d) 16% 11) A person is better able to control their nonverbal kinetic signals than their verbal kinetic signals. a) true b) false 12) Feedback helps with all of the following areas, except ________________? a) Decreasing productivity b) Lowering stress c) Lowering absenteeism d) Lowering turnover 13) Noise can be a barrier to communication. Noise may include internal or external noise. a) true b) false 14) Climate refers to an organization social or work environment. Climate is not a factor in communication. a) true b) false 15) What part of the body has the most profound impact on communication? a) Face b) Hands c) Eyes d) Mouth 16) Which of the four is not a category of movement? a) Emblems b) Adapters c) Regulators d) Encoders 17) Which of the following is not a barrier to listening? a) Semantic barrier b) Physical barriers c) Gender Barriers d) Noise barriers 18) Which is the third in the five stages of listening? a) Sense b) Interpret c) Evaluate d) Remember 19) A report is a brief notation concerning specific events and circumstances. a) true b) false 20) Uses for field notes include report writing and court a) true b) false 21) A description of a person in an officer’s field notebook should include which of the following? a) CYMBALS b) Serial numbers c) Date and Time d) Head-to-toe description 22) When writing a vehicle description, you should use CYMBALS. a) true b) false 23) Which of the following should not be included in an officer’s notebook? a) Date/time of offense b) Names of persons involved c) Personal phone numbers d) Case number/type of incident 24) Questions in field note-taking should include who, what, when, where, why, and how a) true b) false 25) What information should not be included when dealing with who is involved in the incident? a) a. Correct spelling of names b) b. Address c) c. Phone numbers d) d. Hobbies 26) When addressing “what,” you should include which of the following? a) Date b) Time c) Offense committed d) Person’s involved 27) When addressing “why?” you should include motive. a) true b) false 28) Which is not an advantage of field note-taking? a) Not dependent on memory b) No preparation for court c) Enables officer to separate details d) Provides review when preparing for court 29) Which is not a characteristic of a good report? a) Illegible b) Clear c) Concise d) Grammatically correct 30) Which is not a step in organizing a report? a) Analyze the facts b) Gather information c) Categorize the information d) Organize the information 31) Making sure a report is clear means to make sure it contains facts, not opinion. a) true b) false 32) Which is not a type of report? a) Incident report b) Field interview card c) Arrest report d) Suspect interview card

Interpersonal Communications (IC)






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