1) store a) desk b) shop c) late 2) married a) a person who has got problems b) a person who has got a wife/husband c) a person who doesn't understand something 3) pillow a) одеяло b) сон c) подушка 4) understand a) знать b) понимать c) иметь значение 5) What does this word mean? a) Я не понимаю b) Что значит это слово? c) Как записать это слово? 6) movie a) ticket b) film c) office 7) mammals a) babies of these animals drink milk b) synonim for "reptiles" c) animals that lived on our planet long time ago 8) lantern a) фонарь b) тыква c) угощения 9) believe a) понимать b) верить c) думать 10) have a rest a) eat something delicious b) don't do anything and relax c) do very important things 11) enjoy a) synonym of "want" b) synonym of "like" c) synonym of "rest" 12) suit a) synonym of "shirt" b) synonym of "trousers" c) synonym of "costume" 13) groceries a) продукты b) вещи c) тарелки 14) cost a) чистить b) стоить c) убирать 15) cost a) the amount of food you eat b) an amount of money that you need to pay c) to explain something difficult 16) dish a) an object used for drawing b) a container for eating food from it OR food cooked in a special way c) a symbol 17) healthy a) angry and stressed b) physically strong and well c) happy to do new things 18) dessert a) sweet food that is eaten after the main part of a meal b) soup and salad c) drinks at the start of each meal 19) meal a) a container for eating food b) an oval dish c) breakfast , lunch or dinner 20) honey a) a sweet, sticky food made by ants b) a sweet, sticky food that is made by bees c) a sweet, sticky food that is made by butterflies

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