1) No one runs faster than Mark. Mark _______________ runner. 2) I paid more for my dress than you. My dress ______________ yours. 3) We can’t buy such an expensive car, we’re not so rich. We aren't ________________ such an expensive car. 4) She was so angry that she couldn’t speak to us. She was __________________ to speak to us. 5) I spent ₤100 and my sister spent ₤100 too. I spent __________________ money _________________ my sister. 6) These jeans are too short! I need a __________________ pair of jeans. 7) I have never seen such an expensive tablet. This tablet here is __________________ gadget I’ve ever seen. 8) I don't have enough money to buy this bike. I cannot _______________________ this bike. 9) I am too short to play basketball. I am not ________________________ to play basketball. 10) We both paid 20 pounds for our tops. My top ______________________ as yours. 11) Chris weighs 60 kg and Philip weighs 80 kg. Philip is _______________________ Chris. 12) Kasia always gets the highest scores in tests. Kasia is ________________ student in our class. 13) I don’t think this top ______ (pasuje do) your skirt. Try another colour. 14) This restaurant here is ______ (równie popularna jak) the one on Park Road. 15) ______ (Skończyła się nam kawa.) Could you get some on your way home? 16) This dress looks very nice. ______ (Może ją przymierzysz?) 17) I’m afraid we’ve got ______ (zbyt mało) time to visit another shop. 18) I don’t think this jacket ______ (pasuje rozmiarem) me. It’s the right colour but it’s too tight. 19) I don’t go to the cinema ______ (tak często jak) I used to. 20) The shop assistant gave us a big ______ (obniżka). We only paid 70% of the original price. 21) I can't go to the cinema with you. I don't have money to spend. _______ (Oszczędzam) na nowy komputer. 22) My sister _________ (wydaje dużo pieniędzy na) książki. 23) The customer _________ (złożył skargę na) the service in this shop. 24) I have ordered a new mobile phone online. It will __________ (przyjdzie pocztą) next week. 25) How much __________ (zapłaciłeś za) this CD? 26) I'm afraid this is _______________ (najgorszy film) I have ever seen. 27) This is __________ (najmniej ekscytujący program) I have ever watched. 28) This sofa is so big that it won’t fit in the room. This sofa is __________________ to fit in the room. 29) The performance was quite boring so we left early. The performance wasn’t __________________ to make us stay till the end. 30) He’s very intelligent, just like his older brother. He’s __________________ his older brother.

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