1) How many dairy do you have to eat every day?  a) 0 b) 24 c) 3 d) 900000000000000000090 e) 1  f) 5 2) How much water should drink a day? a) 5 liters b) 8 liters c) 0' 00000000000001 liters d) 0'7 liters e) 2 liters f) 10101010101010101010101010101010119 3) Is it a fruit or a vegetable? (eggplant) a) No b) Yes c) Too easy, fruit😎 d) I don't knou e) Relly? VEGETABLE😎 f) Emm... FRUIT?😅 4) Avocado contains potassium? a) Too easy, vegetable😎 b) Star wars ☆ c) Emm... Excuse me, what was the question? d) Yes, of course e) NO!!!! f) Leo Messi 5) Its healthy to do sport.  a) TRUE ✔️ b) FALSE ✖️ 6) In football, do you us a ball? a) NO! b) Emmm... c) Yes, of course d) Leo Messi 😎 e) Too easy, Vegetable f) :) 7) Is it healthy to be with friends? a) NOOOOOOO b) :( c) STAR WARS ☆ d) I don't have friends :( e) Yes, is the BEST f) yyyeeeessss 8) Is nature important? a) No, the city is more important b) Yes c) 👍 d) 👎 e) I don't know f) Nop

Healthy Habits






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